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“The more regularly and the more deeply you meditate, the sooner you will find yourself acting always from a center of peace.”

– J. Donald Walters


Chris Hatter

Co Founder

The reason that I am so passionate about meditation and Healing Zone Mindfulness Meditation Program is because it helped me get through a major life crisis. My team and I believe that this program can help anchor you through any type of crisis whether it’s a financial crisis, medical crisis, family crisis, BLM crisis or Covid 19 pandemic crisis.


We believe that no matter what word you put before crisis this program can help anchor you so that you can weather the storm. So I had an invention that had to do with boxing and it was called ASC audience scorecard. It taught you how to score a boxing match so that you could then compare your scores with the scores of the judges at the end of the fight. It had boxers names, faces and a place for autographs and advertisements. This product was very well thought out. Also you could download the app onto your phone for $.99. I was able to secure an interview with the Shark Tank for my idea. With that in mind I quit my job and took down my 401K. I then put all of my savings into this invention and wait for it...... It bombed! It totally failed, it didn’t do anything. Mind you I had a stay at home wife, an infant, rent payments, car payments etc. So as you can imagine my fear, stress and anxiety were at an all-time high. I was totally in crisis mode!


One day while at the library I picked up what I thought was a book on CD and it ended up being a collection of 10 minute guided meditations. So I listened to the Meditation and noticed immediately that my fear, stress and anxiety decreased. No matter how close I came to the edge when I listen to these meditations it would calm me down. That saying goes whatever does not kill you makes you stronger I lived that statement intimately. So as I slowly started to put my life back together I had to go back and ask for my job back and I thought this could really help some of my patients.

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